Women in Comics (6+7+6+5+6) 30 pts

Women have as diverse and interesting comics and graphic novels as men. Each has a unique story and style.  All the stories I read also featured female protagonists, all different from each other in appearance, personality, and behavior. Femme Magnifique, translated as 10 Magnificent Women was more of a non-fiction biographical anthology about amazing women in various fields like science, art, and politics. Each story was written and illustrated by different people, so they had a broad arrangement. I was delighted to see some of my favorite inspiring figures like Mary Blair and Sally Ride. Through the Woods, an anthology by Emily Carroll, has a very striking visual language with a limited color palette featuring black, white, red, and blue; each story is like a miniature fairy tale but with a dark ending. Overall, that collection was a bit unsettling but still drew me in to read more because of the way it looked and how it was written. I sympathized with the characters and wanted to know how their stories ended, but they all seemed pretty open-ended, which left me wondering what happened next. Lumber Janes had almost the opposite vibes. I would love to continue reading this on-going series; it’s super fun and cute, following a group of friends at camp as they fight off magical creatures. The style for that series reminds me of a lot of popular TV cartoons today, like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls. It makes sense that one of the creators also helped out with the She-Ra reboot series. Pretty Deadly and Monstress were much more series and somber works that had a lot of darker elements and violence. While Pretty Deadly is more like a fantasy western series, Monstress takes place in a completely fantasy world that has witches and half-demons. I liked the strong portrayals of women in these comics; they were interesting for me to read, and I related more to the characters because of certain relatable characteristics. This week had my favorite selection of readings.

Through the Woods 6pts

LumberJanes vol 1-7 (1pt each)

Femme Magnifique 6pts

10 Magnificent Women

Pretty deadly vol 1-5 (1pt each)

Monstress vol 1-2 (3pts each)


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